+ home releases art bio

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May 10th 2019 : Release of 'Black Sunn', 6 track, digital format (LV-0011) Digitally remastered tracks from the archives. For details see here

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July 2018 : Started remastering work on 'Black Sunn' from archive tapes.

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December 2013 : video release date for 'Monophobia' on new YouTube channel. For details see here.

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May 2012 : video release date for 'Rapture' on new YouTube channel. For details see here.

February 2012 : release of promo EP 'A Thousand Cuts', on LAST.FM (for digital download) Includes five tracks, two are free downloads. For details see here.

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August 2012 : 6-track Limited physical release of demo EP 'TKF-0002', on casette. For details see here.

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July 2012 : 6-track Limited physical release of demo EP 'TKF-0001', on casette. For details see here.